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We're sorry, you are past the cut-off time to place an order for this week. The market opens Friday morning for next week's delivery. You can place an order for next week between Friday at 9AM and 7AM the day before your delivery.

Any questions? Email info@phillyfoodworks.com.


Your order is currently "skipped" for this week. If you would like to un-skip your delivery and place an order, you must log into the "upcoming deliveries" section of your account and click "un-skip delivery" next to this week's delivery.

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Turnips: Hakurei



Everything about this bunch of turnips is edible. The greens are pleasantly peppery, and the turnip is mild and delicate.

Description: Small, delicately flavored Japanese variety that will win over even the harshest turnip critic. Everything about this bunch of turnips is edible. The greens are pleasantly peppery, and the turnip is mild and delicate. They're delicious both raw in salads, pickled or cooked.

Eagle Road Farm

Eagle Road Farm grows a variety of vegetables in Lancaster County that are Certified Organic.

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