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Baby Bok Choy


2 ct

Baby Bok Choy is tender and can be eaten raw or cooked. The leaves have a slight bitter flavor while the stalks bring a sweet crunch.

Description: Bok choy is a vegetable with white stalks and dark green leaves that is mild in flavor. A relative of Chinese Cabbage, bok choy is typically used in Chinese stir-fry dishes, but also appears in the occasional salad. Bok choy has a little crispness to it, but at the same time it's very tender — much more tender than the white or red cabbage you'd use to make coleslaw. Because the flavor is so subtle, it'll go with any dish but it reminds us of a mix between cabbage and lettuce, and can be enjoyed raw or cooked. You will receive 2-3 small heads, or about 1lb total

Recipe: Check out this recipe for Hanoi Noodle Soup with chicken, baby tatsoi, and bok choy! Pair with our bok choy, scallions, and fresh garlic. Delicious!

Here's another recipe for Indian Spiced Bok Choy for those of you who like a little adventure!

Nutrition: Bok Choy has various types and rich amount of nutrition in it. Especially, Omega-3 and Vitamin A. And it has 70 different antioxidant substances as well. Be healthy through the tremendously nutritious cabbage in the world

Storage: Delicate Salad Greens are very fragile, because the greens contain a lot of moisture that causes them to wilt more quickly. The best way to store your salad greens is in a plastic sealed bag with a dry paper towel. The paper towel absorbs the condensation from the greens and extends their shelf life.

Eagle Road Farm

Eagle Road Farm grows a variety of vegetables in Lancaster County that are Certified Organic.

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