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We're sorry, you are past the cut-off time to place an order for this week. The market opens Friday morning for next week's delivery. You can place an order for next week between Friday at 9AM and 7AM the day before your delivery.

Any questions? Email info@phillyfoodworks.com.


Your order is currently "skipped" for this week. If you would like to un-skip your delivery and place an order, you must log into the "upcoming deliveries" section of your account and click "un-skip delivery" next to this week's delivery.

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*Farm Crafted Herbal Cocktail CSA


We're partnering with Barefoot Botanicals to offer their Farm Crafted Herbal Cocktail CSA to our customers. A monthly hands on series for craft drink enthusiasts. Cocktails, Mocktails & Herbal Sodas for the whole family to enjoy! This is a 5 month (June to October) traditional CSA. Click on this item to see the full description and find out how to sign up.

Description: Learn skills and gain confidence to make your own herbal craft drinks. Monthly seasonal cocktail kits will include a combination of hand harvested and farm processed certified Organic botanical mixers, steamed distilled aromatic sprays, tinctures, custom blended bitters, and teas as well as carefully curated step-by-step recipes and video instruction from regional craft bartenders. Read through the information below to understand how this subscription operates. Once you've read all the information if you would like to sign up click here!

Each month you will make:
3 botanically curated drink recipes- one simple, easy to make Go-To drink, one advanced/elevated drink, and one mock-tail herbal soda plus other ideas, pairings and culinary uses. The included botanicals will allow for 12-16 craft drinks plus more than enough to build up your home cocktail apothecary. 

Each month you will need (not included with the CSA cocktail kit):
Spirits (support your local distilleries), seltzer, tonic water, club soda, juices (lemon, lime, cranberry, etc.), ice & garnish, an open mind and creativity

$300 a season charged at signup (breaks up to be $60/month)

This item will be added to your PFW share on the following weeks: 
Week of June 20
Week of July 25
Week of August 22
Week of September 19
Week of October 24
*These weeks can not be amended and if you enroll in the subscription you will be charged the full cost upfront. This will allow Barefoot Botanical to have the funds to purchase bottles, labels, labor, and work associated with crop management and processing. There is limited capacity for this CSA so the sooner you complete the survey the better chance of getting a slot.

Barefoot Botanicals

Barefoot Botanicals strives to provide you with the highest quality herbs and herbal products on the market, grown by herbalists near by in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. They make hydrosols and herbal syrups used by chefs, bartenders and restaurants across Philadelphia, as well as sell bulk medicinal & culinary herbs and host classes & events at their farm. They are Certified Organic and do their best to go beyond organic, promoting habitat and regenerative ecosystems as they are concerned about the health of all beings on this planet. 

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