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We're sorry, you are past the cut-off time to place an order for this week. The market opens Friday morning for next week's delivery. You can place an order for next week between Friday at 9AM and 7AM the day before your delivery.

Any questions? Email info@phillyfoodworks.com.


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Purple Star Apples


1 lb

This purple skinned fruit has a super sweet, white, juicy flesh on the inside, and when cut in half resembles the shape of a star! The fruit got its name because it's about the size and shape of an apple, however it's a tropical fruit and really not an apple at all! Click on this item to see the full description.

Description: The skin of a star apple is often covered in latex and is not edible. The pulp around the seeds is the part you eat, it tastes sweet and refreshing, similar to an abiu. The inner white flesh is sweet, juicy and milk-like, and makes for a refreshing snack.

Miami Fruit

MiamiFruit began as a small fruit stand at local Miami farmer’s markets in 2015, but they have grown by shipping their tropical fruit all over the USA. Miami Fruit is dedicated to providing the highest quality tropical fruit to people all over the United States. Every week they harvest fruit from local farms in South Florida, including their own farm! The fruit that they offer is grown by hard-working farmers who take pride in producing the highest quality tropical fruit. They love trying rare fruits, and they know how hard it is to find some of them throughout most of North America so they are thrilled to be able to share them with you!

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