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We're sorry, you are past the cut-off time to place an order for this week. The market opens Friday morning for next week's delivery. You can place an order for next week between Friday at 9AM and 7AM the day before your delivery.

Any questions? Email info@phillyfoodworks.com.


Your order is currently "skipped" for this week. If you would like to un-skip your delivery and place an order, you must log into the "upcoming deliveries" section of your account and click "un-skip delivery" next to this week's delivery.

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Garlic Scallions



Quite possibly one of the first signs of Spring! These immature garlic bulbs and edible green stalks have an amazing nutty-oniony flavor that is great fresh or cooked.

Description: White at the bottom with frilly roots, and then green from the middle to the tops. The entire thing is edible; the white part packs more of an oniony heat while the green part leans into more of a milder chive flavor. They work well both raw and cooked. Slice and use in potato salad or mince and stir into salad dressings. Toss some in a stir-fry, on a pizza, or in soups. The light garlicky flavor enhances dishes without overpowering.

Storage: Wrap in plastic and store in the refrigerator or upright with the roots submerged in a glass of water in the refrigerator.

Eagle Road Farm

Eagle Road Farm grows a variety of vegetables in Lancaster County that are Certified Organic.

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